Combat System Implementation.

Hi everyone, this is the first devlog here on and we're starting it with the combat system showcase.

The combat is still in it's infancy stages but now I have a base to work on. As presented, everything is turn-based and without the user's input other than throwing a dice at the start of the fight.

The dice dictates if you'll get any buffs or debuffs in the current fight, depending on the number you get (for example anything above 15 gives you +10% buff to all skills) you will have advantages or disadvantages.

After the fight you get rewards based on the type of enemy party you defeat, those could be gold, XP or items. Different enemies reward different stuff.

Random generated dungeon rooms could contain different enemy groups and of course, later on, each floor will have it's own type of enemies.

Being defeated in the dungeon will have return to the Adventurer's guild and possibly loosing anything you collected during your dungeon run, so preparing well is a priority before delving in.

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